Well Coached Workshops

As a channel partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies, we deliver workshops and learning modules based on best practices, research, and real-life results to address the operational leadership challenges that most organizations face.


DISC 101

A first-timers’ look at the power of the DISC behaviors system. Understand Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness and how each influences your interaction with fellow employees and clients - as well as the overall working of company teams. Each employee receives an assessment; results are discussed with the group.

DISC 201

Deep dive into better communication with this follow-up discussion. This program is hands-on and interactive, offering role plays and games to engage employees toward a better understanding of DISC. An employee interaction segment is available upon request.

DISC 301: Behaviors and emotional intelligence

DISC 301 is the advanced class for DISC understanding and implementation. What’s your emotional quotient? What makes you push through the tough times? This is DISC graduate school with an emphasis on understanding emotion, motivation and the reasons we do what we do in the workplace.

basecamp training

Basecamp is an all-in-one project-management software that everyone from solo entrepreneurs and freelancers to agencies and corporations have turned to to manage all the discussions, files, tasks, and schedules critical to their work. This individual or staff-wide session is critical for maximizing how this software can work for your team. The seminar covers everything from Campfire to storing key documents to Basecamp e-mail notification preferences. Also available as a Lunch & Learn or a day of one-on-one hour-long tutoring sessions. A guide to company software integration is available upon request.


SLII® is one of the most widely used, practical, and comprehensive leadership models in the world. SLII creates a shared process, language, and model for building leadership across all levels. The SLII Experience uses game-changing techniques that immerse learners in SLII quickly, deeply and effectively. This workshop introduces the mindset, core conversations, and communication skills managers need to drive greater results. We will focus on listening, challenging conversations, giving feedback, goal setting and leading virtually - allowing the leader or manager of an organization to adjust his or her style to fit the development level of the followers he/she is trying to influence.

Advanced Communication in the Workspace: Motivators

Address the "why" behind DISC. Passion, drive and motivation are what get us out of bed each morning. They also position us to take on life’s challenges. Find out why we do the work we do.

People Sales Profit and Self

Once you've mastered DISC, EQ and Motivators, you can apply what you've learned in the Apply DISC, EQ and Motivators and Situational Leadership to ensure success in these four areas. This includes role plays in each lane.


Our First-time Manager program introduces the mindset, core conversations, and communication skills new managers need to drive greater results. It teaches the skills needed to step into a new role, equipped for success so that direct reports are engaged and productive from the start.


Learning skills for specific focus areas can be the fastest way to improve relationships as well as manage groups and competing priorities. Our half-day modules can be used as stand-alone skills training or incorporated into a broader workshop.

  • Listening: Improve commitment and engagement

  • Challenging Conversations: Resolve conflict and improve engagement in difficult situations

  • Giving Feedback: Improve performance, trust, confidence, and productivity

  • Goal Setting: Get people off to the right start

  • Leading Virtually: Effectively lead people who work in remote locations